Saturday 11 January 2014

free glitter text and family website at

Message to all the glitches out there, this is what will happen to you if you glitch me or my bffs. You will:


Thursday 9 January 2014

free glitter text and family website at

1) My real name is Dania. When i was born, i was nearly called Maya or Noorana ( I think Noorana means light in English so i was nearly called light! O.o)
2) I'm an only child
3) I HATE tomatoes -.-
4) My fav number is 6 or 26, my fav actor is Johnny Depp, actress is Sarah Paxton, Film is The Hunger Games Catching Fire, Band is Evanescence, tv show is pretty little liars and celebrity is Selena Gomez (cuz of her personality).
5) When the very first ipad came out, my dad got it for me and i broke it the same day I got it :/ it still has a crack down the middle but i have an ipad air now (which my dad thinks i will break).
6) I am actually a VERY sensitive person, but I don't really show it and I hate crying in public.
7) I am a completely different person in school than when I am home. This is because I always hide the real me from everyone cuz I am 2 scared that ppl will judge since I'm 'different', but I don't like pretending that I'm someone I'm not either.
8) I have dark brown hair and eyes, but my hair used to be black when i was born and it gets lighter every year.
9) I despise math with a passion, and just school in general. Why can't math solve it's own problems out? >.<
10) I don't really like the sun and the heat, unless I'm at the beach, which i never am so I hate the sun and just light in general.I IS A VAMPAYA!!!!!
11) When I was little, all my friends were obsessed with high school musical and they were like OMG ZAC EFRON I LUV CHUUUU <3 and I was just there like....who the hell is he? :/
12) I cannot live without my phone or lip balm ( I have serious problems when it comes to lip balm o.o )
13) I am sort of a mix between a tomboy/goth and a girly girl. I hate wearing 2 much make up, i only like natural, and i like black and don't usually wear skirts and dresses, but I do sometimes ^.^
14) I really wanna huskyyyyyyyy <3
15) People tend to think i'm very shy and quiet when I'm actually the opposite, but like I said, I don't really like to show the 'real me'.

Wednesday 8 January 2014

free glitter text and family website at

Well, looks like the new lvls are coming really soon to the UK msp! Hopefully they will update it before the end of January =D
I would also like to thank glammergirl765 For Giving me my very first greeting ever! Even though I've never actually talked to her or anything so it was completely random :)
Yes, as u can see, i have changed my skin to purple because I just felt like it, so plz stop asking me why :/

Monday 6 January 2014

Irish msp!


If ur on Irish msp then plz add me =) My name is Kailina on there                            Link:

Sunday 5 January 2014


Ok, these kind of forums are starting 2 annoy me -.-

When someone makes one of these forums about ishacool or candired or ANYBODY, plz don't comment on it. It's obvious that they are doing it 4 attention and comments is exactly what they want. And also that 'candired is the most smelliest' title is abit creepy really. I mean, how would u know? do u go around stalking her and smelling everyone to see who's the smelliest? (I actually know someone who does that in real O.o). Anyways...also that kids look at these crayons thing is getting on my nerves :/ its been going on for month now i remember her doing this in July!

Well that's it for this post i guess, gtg eat some pizaaaa <3

Monday 30 December 2013


Hey guys x I haven't been on here for ages and something has gone wrong on this blog so I'm trying 2 fix it x